Automatic Enrolment – Workplace Pension

11th May 2015

For more information, book a call with us

Employers across the UK are now providing a workplace pension for their staff. Make sure you do too. Even if you employ just one person. Act now. It’s the law.

What is automatic enrolment?


The law on workplace pensions has changed. Every employer with at least one member of staff now has new duties, including putting those who meet certain criteria into a workplace pension scheme and contributing towards it.

This is called automatic enrolment. It’s called this because it’s automatic for your staff – they don’t have to do anything to be enrolled into your pension scheme. But it’s not automatic for you. You need to take steps to make sure they’re enrolled.

Does the change in law affect me?


Yes, if you employ at least one member of staff, you’ll need to automatically enrol them into a pension scheme if they meet certain criteria. Get started by following the Pension Regulators  step-by-step guide to automatic enrolment.

When does the change in law affect me?


Each employer has a date by which they need to comply with the law. This is called your staging date.

What do I need to do and when by?


There are a number of tasks that will need to be completed by your staging date, including assessing your workforce to see who’s eligible, choosing a pension scheme, and communicating to staff.


For further information regarding Automatic Enrolment please contact us.

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