Thoughts and insights into running SMEs and business mentoring
24th September 2021
As a business mentor I often get asked what I do, and why would a business need me. Well, here you g
17th September 2021
Now you may be thinking that I’ve gone all zen and am about to suggest you immerse your self in a
10th September 2021
So, this week it’s all about getting your house in order and embracing change. The summer is on it
3rd September 2021
Here’s a thought for you, what makes you feel better when you purchase something, getting a nice p
27th August 2021
I’m not going to apologise for the Spice girls cliché! Why? Because it is actually very important
6th August 2021
Always treat others as you’d wish to be treated yourself
9th July 2021
As business advisors and mentors we meet all sizes of businesses and come across a variety of trades
25th June 2021
I wrote recently about being in Business and one of my followers suggested I share with you all my T
18th June 2021
Following on from my blog about getting your ideal life one key part of that is getting the right cl
11th June 2021
How many times do you sit on a Sunday evening contemplating the week ahead and feel that pit of drea
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